metaggR 2022-04-25
- Updated the dependency on the specific version of R to R(>= 4.1).
metaggR 2021-08-17
- Several datasets have been added: NCAA_Basketball, Coin_Flips, General_Knowledge, and Grocery_Prices.
- New Functions:
- knowledge_weights() calculates the knowledge weights used in the knowledge-weighted estimate.
- knowledge_gap() calculates the knowledge gap for given weights.
- KWE() is a helper function and considered internal to the package.
- get_influence_scores() calculates and plots the influence scores for all judges.
- knowledge_weighted_estimate() has been extended to involve an outlier-robust version of the estimate.
- README now includes an illustration of the outlier-robust version of the knowledge-weighted estimate.
metaggR 2020-12-29
- This is the initial submission